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How to Thrive and Survive in a Downturn

Pete Flint, Managing Partner at NFX, a seed-stage venture firm based in San Francisco, writes about three distinct and critical elements of how to manage the crisis.

Find and read the full article here:

To shortly summarize his findings for some quick advice:

To manage losses

It is difficult and painful since involves people and feelings. However, here it is important to stop caring that much about what - focus on the how. How you communicate and how you show empathy will be a key success factor for any leader at this point.

To gain ground

How to reorient your tactics and focus so both you and pure team will be able to be on top of the game when this chaos is all over.

To manage the psychology

You need to stay healthy. Your team needs to stay healthy. When you’re all healthy - you’ll be able to become productive and focused again.

Read more and find the article in full here:

Gabriel Granström