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30 Apr: Circular Waste Economy Opportunities in Southeast Asia & in the Nordics


Date: Friday, 30th April 2021
Time: 16:00 - 17:35pm (Singapore Time / UTC +8)

Sustainable waste management is an ever-increasing challenge across Southeast Asia (SEA), addressing wastewater and drinking water supply; recycling versus landfill and incineration and converting organic waste into useful products. Due to a lack of incentives and sufficient infrastructure, recycling rates in SEA remain low.

The combination of rapid population growth, urbanisation and more complex waste composition poses significant challenges, but also opportunities. Nordic solutions can play well into ongoing trends for turning waste into value, enhanced producers responsibility and resource management. Adoption of environmentally sound technologies tailored to local conditions is crucial and supported by the government, investors and regional organisations such as the UN and ADB.

For this closing event, we will draw a comparison between the challenges and opportunities of sustainable waste and water management in SEA and the Nordics, and discuss the applicability of Nordic solutions in this region.


16:00 - 16:05pm:
Welcome words by NIH-SG

16:05 - 16:10pm: Opening remarks by H.E. Anita Nergaard, Ambassador of Norway to Singapore

16:10 - 17:15 pm: Circular Waste Economy 


  • Ms. Bing Zhao, Asia Head, TOMRA Collection Systems:
    “Beverage container refund and recycle schemes in the Nordics”

  • Mr. Thomas Chhoa , Senior Advisor, Alliance  to End Plastic Waste (AEPW):
    “Alliance to end plastic waste and its activities in SEA” 

  • Dr. Tine Rørvik, Global Director for Circular Economy, Siam Cement Group (SCC):
    “Drivers for circular economy in SEA” 

  • Mr. Dalson Chung, Director Industry Development and Promotion Department, National Environmental Agency of Singapore:
    “Singapore Green Plan 2030 - opportunities for Southeast Asia”

  • Moderator: Dr. Per Christer Lund, Counsellor, Innovation Norway Singapore

17:15 - 17:35 pm: Nordic Showcase

10 Water-Waste-Food Companies (2-min pitch each)