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Healthcare InnoMatch 2021 (Submission Deadline: 15 Feb 2021)


Healthcare Innovations, Adopted at Speed and at Scale
The Healthcare InnoMatch 2021 by Temasek Foundation and the Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) is calling for innovative, market-ready or near market-ready solutions to address critical and emerging healthcare needs!

Organised in partnership with Singapore General Hospital (SGH), National University Hospital (NUH) and Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), the Healthcare InnoMatch 2021 is seeking solutions that can enhance patient care and deliver positive health outcomes in any of the three following themes: 

  1. Frail No More

  2. Reducing Hospital Acquired Infections

  3. Digitisation to Enhance Patient Care, Journey and Experience

Successful proposals in the Healthcare InnoMatch 2021 will obtain funding support to demonstrate their solutions in operational environments and will receive a further endorsement from healthcare institutions upon successful validation of the results of pilot implementation. Ultimately, the platform aims to bridge the market adoption gap and allow patients early access to new and emerging healthcare innovations to address our critical healthcare needs.

Top 3 Winners will receive:

  • Funding of up to SGD400,000 each to demonstrate Proof-of-Value (POV)

  • A place in the CHI Start-up Enterprise Link (CHISEL) program: test-bedding of the solution, and collaboration with Partner Hospitals

  • Cross-hospitals evaluation, validation and potential adoption by our Partner Hospitals

To be eligible to participate in this challenge, Start-ups/Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) should meet the below criteria:

  1. Solutions will preferably be at a high level of market readiness, and should seek to deliver improved patient health outcomes (including but not limited to clinical, functional and patient reported outcomes) and patient experience in line with the challenge statements.

  2. Solutions may originate from within or outside Singapore, but are required to be test-bedded and evaluated in one of the three participating hospitals in Singapore.

  3. Proposals in early research studies, early minimally viable products, solutions that are still in development phase will not be accepted.

  4. Proposals which do not have the relevant safety, ethics, or regulatory approvals required for test-bedding will not be accepted.

  5. Proposals relating to operational processes that do not have a direct impact to patient outcomes will not be accepted.

  6. This challenge is open to Singapore-based and international participants except for employees of Temasek Foundation and the Centre for Healthcare Innovation, and close relatives of anyone involved in the organisation and judging of the challenge.

  7. Participating start-ups/SMEs must be a registered business locally or overseas, and must have been incorporated within the last 5 years with revenues below S$100m. This may include innovation units of enterprises, if they are subsidiaries.

  8. Participating start-ups/SMEs must not be in negotiation for exit throughout the challenge and test-bedding phase.