Nordic Healthtech Delegation to Japan (Oct 11-14) 北欧ヘルステック企業 訪日ツアー (10月11-14日)
Arranged jointly with Asia House and funded by Nordic Innovation, NIH Tokyo hosted a delegation of 16 Nordic healthtech companies to Japan from October 11th to 14th, 2022.
The program included:
Day 1: Kickoff meeting, visit to JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) for a learning session on the Japanese Healthcare ecosystem with industry experts, a pitching session and networking reception at the Swedish Embassy
Day 2: Learning sessions about the Japanese healthcare market with top investors, professionals, and industry experts, attendance and access to the exclusive matchmaking platform at Bio Japan (the largest Life Science conference in Asia)
Day 3: Individual business meetings, pitching session “Nordic Life Science and Health Tech Startup Pitch Session“ at Venture Cafe Tokyo
Day 4: Visit to St. Luke’s Hospital, individual business meetings, networking session with Japanese ecosystem players at Portal Point Shibuya
If you are interested in joining our future delegations to Japan, get in touch with us at tokyo(@)
2日目:投資家・業界関係者・弁護士等による日本進出に向けた勉強会、Bio Japan参加
3日目:個別の商談、Venture Cafe TokyoでピッチイベントNordic Life Science and Health Tech Startup Pitch Sessionに登壇
4日目:聖路加国際病院訪問、個別の商談、Portal Point Shibuyaにて、日本のスタートアップエコシステム関係者とネットワーキングイベント
Venture Cafe Tokyo Nordic Life Science and Health Tech Startup Pitch Session“