Today´s menu: Food systems innovation for the sustainable and safe foods of tomorrow 本日の献立:食のシステム改革 - 持続可能な食の安全を目指して
What is the future of responsible consumption and production of food? Do we need to rethink what we eat and where it comes from? How do we bridge the divide between consumer and producer? Can technology lead us to new solutions? How can innovative policies empower food producers and consumers alike?
The Nordics have an ambitious goal - to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. Increasing food security, implementing innovative sustainable food systems, and solving the food waste challenge are among the most pressing tasks to fulfil our ambitions. We must revolutionise our food production, consumption, and food culture.
Japan and the Nordics can be key players in solutions to transform food systems, minimizing food waste, and increasing efficiency of production to reduce the impact on our planet. We already see a rapid introduction of new ways of thinking about food and food consumption. New protein alternatives are being introduced. Digitalisation and AI driven solutions may open the door to smarter and more sustainable choices in food production and supply chains. New government strategies and initiatives need to encourage further innovation and investment.
Overall, the intersection of food system innovation, food security, and emerging technologies and AI is an exciting and rapidly evolving nexus that has the potential to transform the way we approach food production and distribution in the future.
In this Nordic Talk, food industry innovators and experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities in food systems transformation to secure sustainable and safe foods for all.
Date and Time:
May 30th, 17:00-18:30 (JST)
Zoom and UNIVERSITY of CREATIVITY (Minato City, Akasaka 5−3−1, Minato-ku, Akasaka Biz Tower 23F))
*Physical participation is invitation only due to limited capacity
The event is held in English with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese.
Dr. Julius Birgir Kristinsson, Co-founder of ORF-Genetics, Owner and CEO of Silfurgen
Ms. Reetta Andolin, Professor of Practice, Viikki Food Design Factory, University of Helsinki
Mr. Hidenori Kondo, Sustainability Field Director, UNIVERSITY of CREATIVITY
Ms. Megumi Avigail Yoshitomi, Representative Director, Japan Association for Cellular Agriculture (JACA)
16:30 Doors open
17:00 Opening remarks by Ambassador from Norway to Japan H.E. Inga M. W. Nyhamar
17:10 Panel discussion
17:50 Q&A session
18:27 Closing remarks by Ambassador from Iceland to Japan, H.E. Stefán Haukur Jóhannesson
18:30 End of streaming
2023年5月30日 17:00-18:30
Zoom (登録リンクは下記) 及びUNIVERSITY of CREATIVITY (港区赤坂5-3-1 赤坂Bizタワー23階), 及び
ユリウス・B・クリスティンスン博士( ORF-Genetics 共同創設者, Silfurgen CEO及びオーナー )
レーッタ・アンドリン氏(ヘルシンキ大学 Viikki Food Design Factory 実務教授)
近藤ヒデノリ氏(UNIVERSITY of CREATIVITY サステナビリティフィールドディレクター)
吉富 愛望 アビガイル氏(一般社団法人細胞農業研究機構 代表理事)
16:30 会場
17:00 開会の挨拶 インガ M. W. ニーハマル 駐日ノルウェー大使
17:10 ディスカッション
17:50 質疑応答
18:27 閉会の挨拶 ステファン・ホイクル・ヨハネソン駐日アイスランド大使
18:30 配信終了