All Nordic Talks Japan

How to Build Startup Ecosystems for a Better World? より良い社会に向けたスタートアップエコシステムの築き方


The challenges our world is facing - from imminent climate change to aging and shrinking population, to name but a few - are new and asymmetrical, therefore we also need novel solutions that governments or larger corporations sometimes struggle to produce at a pace they are needed. Enter: the startups. Startups can address some of the most pressing challenges of our era through challenging the status quo with innovative solutions in an agile manner.

A startup is an emerging business with scaling potential, typically using new technology to solve a problem in a novel way. Startup ecosystems are networks of resources designed to support these emerging startups in their business growth. These networks can include mentors, incubators, investors, corporations, research institutions, and other players.

The Nordic region is home to tens of unicorn startup companies and a breeding ground for innovative startups solving some of the worlds’ toughest challenges. The infrastructure is nurtured through student-driven initiatives, policymaking and city planning, failure-embracing culture, and governmental support schemes. In the Nordic region, the amount of unicorns per capita is one of the highest in the world.

Japan has also set forward ambitious goals to tenfold its number of unicorn companies and make Tokyo the most “startup-friendly city” in the world, words from the current Prime Minister. Investments into startups have been steadily growing, and new policies to encourage open innovation are being adapted. Across Japan, specific cities have been nominated as “Startup Cities'', and Japan’s largest business lobby Keidanren has a novel task force to enforce policies in Japanese corporations to build a thriving startup ecosystem.

We believe that the Nordic startup infrastructure knowhow and the Japanese ambition could be a match made in heaven. 

This Nordic Talks focuses on how to build the infrastructure for an inclusive startup ecosystem that produces novel and sustainable solutions to address the pressing challenges our world is facing, while fostering flexible ways of working, wellbeing and a failure-safe culture. We will also discuss what is the role of the younger generation in this infrastructure and what conditions nurture that ever-elusive quality: innovation.


Date & time
June 11th,  17:00-18:35

Zoom (register from the link below)
*Physical participation is strictly invitation only

Mr. Antti Sonninen, Founder & CEO, Takeoff Tokyo
Mr. Tobias Mathiasen, Founding Partner,
Dr. Amina Sugimoto, DrPH, fermata Inc. CEO
Mr. Shintaro Ishida, COO, Urchinomics Japan


Niklas Karvonen, Community Director, Nordic Innovation House Tokyo

17:00 Opening remarks by Ambassador from Finland to Japan, H.E. Tanja Jääskeläinen
17:10 Panel discussion
17:55 Q&A
18:05 Town Hall discussion
18:25 Closing remarks by Ambassador from Norway to Japan H.E. Kristin Iglum
18:30 End of streaming


Embassy of Denmark in Tokyo, Embassy of Finland in Tokyo, Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo, Embassy of Norway in Tokyo, Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Finnish Institute in Japan, Nordic Innovation House Tokyo, and Moon Creative Lab


The event will be held with English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation, recorded, and made publicly available.

For any inquiries please contact tokyo(a)









2024年6月11日 17:00-18:30

Zoom (登録リンクは下記)


アンティ・ソンニネン氏 (Takeoff Tokyo 共同創業者兼CEO)
トビアス・マティアセン氏( 創業パートナー)
杉本亜美奈氏(公衆衛生博士、fermata株式会社 CEO)
石田晋太郎氏(ウニノミクス株式会社 COO)

ニコラス・カルヴォネン (ノルディックイノベーションハウス東京 コミュニティーディレクター)

17:00 開会の挨拶 タンヤ・ヤースケライネン駐日フィンランド大使 
17:10 ディスカッション
17:55 質疑応答
18:05 タウンホールディスカッション
18:25 閉会の挨拶 クリスティン・イグルム駐日ノルウェー大使
18:30 配信終了

本イベントは、デンマーク大使館、フィンランド大使館、アイスランド大使館、ノルウェー大使館、スウェーデン大使館、ノルディックイノベーションハウス東京、Moon Creative Labの共催で開催します。


Akiko Shiono