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ADB-OGP Government Accountability & Responsiveness during COVID-19 (Submission Deadline: 13th Nov)

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Government Accountability and Responsiveness during COVID-19
Deadline: 3 November 2020

  • COVID-19 continues to threaten lives and livelihoods throughout the Asia-Pacific region. In response, governments have taken economic measures to safeguard the health of their citizens and support the economy. As these stimulus and safety net packages are distributed, public spending must be transparent and monitored to ensure they reach the people and business most in need.

  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Open Government Partnership (OGP) are seeking innovative solutions that leverage digital technology to strengthen the monitoring of COVID-19 related spending and improve feedback and grievance redressal mechanisms. 

  • OGP’s Open Response + Open Recovery campaign encourages reformers around the world to keep the open government values of transparency, accountability, participation and inclusion at the forefront as we move through COVID-19 response and recovery and a longer-term reimagining of how governments serve their citizens.

Creating a People Powered Stimulus. Let’s combine innovation, technology and citizen engagement to ensure COVID-19-related spending, stimulus, and safety net measures benefit those most in need and lead to an #openresponse and #openrecovery. Join the @ADB_HQ and @opengovpart #DigitalAgainstCOVID19 hackathon and send us your ideas. The winning solution will have the opportunity to receive funding for pilot testing of up to US$10,000.