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Healthcare Open Innovation Challenge 2020 (Submission Deadline: 21 Dec 2020)

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Application Deadline: 5 November 2020 - 21 December 2020
Info Session: 1 December 2020, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM (Singapore Time)
Register Info Session:

COVID-19 tested healthcare systems around the world and highlighted the need for healthcare to be more resilient in the face of adversity. In the post-covid new normal, efforts to revolutionize healthcare has revealed boundless opportunities for innovations to enable this transformation.

Enterprise Singapore, in partnership with five of Singapore’s leading healthcare providers, brings you the Healthcare Open Innovation Challenge. The Challenge leverages Singapore’s leading healthcare system, providing a unique opportunity for enterprises to engage with clinicians and healthcare providers throughout development.

If you have an innovative technological solution that improves the processes within healthcare delivery, enhance patient management and engagement, and form a complete seamless care continuum, this is for you. Successful participants stand to receive grant funding and the chance to co-develop, testbed and deploy your solutions with our healthcare providers


Industry Track: Multiple challenge owners per challenge statement.

Enterprise Track: One challenge owner per challenge statement.

The top three applicants for each challenge statement will receive consultations from healthcare providers during the Demo Development phase to sharpen their value proposition. Winners will gain the opportunity to co-develop, test-bed and deploy solutions with healthcare clusters.

  • The winner of each challenge statement will receive S$25,000 in Amazon Web Services Activate Credits for new users.


    The winner for each challenge statement will win a Startup SG grant of S$25,000!


    Winners stand to benefit from up to S$2 million in co-funding grant support at various stages, from prototype, deployment to adoption


    The winner for each Enterprise Track challenge statement will be eligible for an Enterprise Development Grant for pilot development.

Ready with your solution?
To make your application, simply fill-up the form below, and attach a submission deck detailing how your solution addresses your chosen challenge statement by Monday, 21 December, 2359hrs (UTC+8).