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MedTech Innovator Asia Pacific Accelerator (Deadline: 15 Feb 2022)


Application Deadline:
15 February 2022

Info Session, Dec 9 @ 10am SGT (Dec. 8 @ 6pm PST):

MedTech Innovator is the medical technology industry’s global showcase and accelerator for innovative medical device, digital health and diagnostic companies. Our mission is to improve the lives of patients by accelerating the growth of companies that are transforming the healthcare system. MedTech Innovator is the largest platform of its kind, providing participants with broad exposure to the leading players in the medtech industry. To accelerate innovation in Asia, we have partnered with the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed 亚太医疗技术协会). APACMed is the first and only regional association to provide a unified voice for the medical technology industry in Asia.

Asia Pacific Program Benefits
MedTech Innovator Pitch – The highest scoring companies from the online application review are invited to participate in regional pitch events, awarding the opportunity to present to a variety of industry-leading judges and key opinion leaders. In-person pitch event judges include members of the MedTech Innovator leadership team, investors, providers, and senior executives from world-class multinationals and medtech companies. Historically, participation has resulted in financial investment, recruitment of board advisors, and establishment of research partnerships for startups. All companies invited to pitch will be provided with review feedback summaries based on their online application and in-person pitch.

MedTech Innovator Cohort – 20 companies will be selected to participate in the MedTech Innovator Cohort. These companies will receive one complimentary registration to APACMed’s Asia Pacific MedTech Forum in September 2022. At this gathering of industry leaders from across the Asia Pacific, companies will participate in the MedTech Innovator Showcase, an on-stage interactive program. The showcase highlights the most innovative companies in sector-based sessions, moderated by leading corporate executives and investors. Opportunities will also include networking and pitching to investors, manufacturers, providers. All 20 companies of the cohort will receive customized mentorship and the eligibility to compete for the Grand Prize.

Additionally, in 2022, we will give out US $300,000 in non-dilutive cash prizes. More information about the strategic interests of our stakeholders can be found at

Eligibility & Requirements

  • All early- to mid-stage medical device, diagnostic, or digital health companies are encouraged to apply.

  • Companies that are accepted to the program must commit a co-founder or senior member of their leadership team to attend APACMed’s Asia Pacific MedTech Forum in September 2022. All companies selected for the showcase will prepare a 1-minute pitch video to be played during their showcase session at the Asia Pacific MedTech Forum.

  • MedTech Innovator is a nonprofit and does not require equity from participating companies.