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NIH-SG Smart Cities Virtual Market Entry Programme 2020: INVESTOR MATCHMAKING

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Date:  19th October  2020 (Monday)
Time: 16:30 - 18:30 (Singapore Time)

The Smart Cities Virtual Market Entry Programme 2020 has brought together 17 companies (virtually) from the Nordics to meet Singaporean Smart City and urban development stakeholders and showcase their products, services and platforms.

To celebrate this success, Nordic Innovation House Singapore and its core partners from Business Sweden, Innovation Norway, Embassy of Finland, and Promote Iceland will be organising an exclusive Investor Matchmaking online event. We cordially invite you to join us and listen to hear the pitches from these selected Nordic Smart City companies.

16:30 - 16:35: Welcome words by NIH-SG
16:35 - 18:35: 17 companies showcasing (5-min pitch per company + 2 min Q&A)

17 Smart Cities Companies
See company profiles here: