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Nordic Green Conference 2020 - Virtual Live Stream


Nordic Green Conference 2020 - Synergies and efficiencies in regional energy and resource management collaboration – lessons from the Nordics

Organised by Innovation Norway, Embassy of Sweden, Embassy of Finland, Embassy of Denmark, Promote Iceland, Nordic Innovation House and supported by Nordic Innovation.

As each of the countries in South-East Asia is addressing similar national challenges related to waste/resource management and decarbonization, the focus on regional cooperation is getting more relevant.

The Nordic region has developed and deployed sustainability solutions and policies for decades. With experience in cross-border energy collaboration, waste handling and circular economy, the Nordic countries also work together to improve energy security and provide functioning energy and resource regulatory frameworks.

Join us at the Nordic Green Conference to learn how Nordic experiences in regional energy collaboration can support addressing challenges in South East Asia through an exchange of ideas and concepts, technologies and policies by companies, research communities and government.


13:00 - 13:30 (SGT) / 07:00 - 07:30 (CET)

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Setting the stage for Singapore – national Low-Emission Development Strategy

  • Mr. Hiang Kwee Ho, Lead Technologist, National Climate Change Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office of Singapore

13:30 - 15:30 (SGT) / 07:30 - 08:30 (CET)

Session 1: Regional cooperation as a key to addressing national challenges

The session will address the necessity of, and provide examples on how regional and international cooperation enables effective solutions to common challenges on decarbonization, deployment of renewable energy, waste to value and circular economy.

Moderator: Ms. Jessica Cheam, Managing Director, Eco-Business, Singapore

Decarbonizing the maritime industry - the regional supply chain of hydrogen

PlugIt – accelerating sustainable mobility

Commercial hydrogen and energy storage technology in South East Asia

Energizing the 4th industrial revolution

Resource optimization - digitizing and modernizing agriculture

  • Mr. Ruan Boezaart, Vice President, Digital Farming - Global Emerging Markets, Yara International

Panel discussion - questions from the floor and Zoom chat

15:30 - 16:00 (SGT) / 08:30 - 09:00 (CET)


Session 2: Electricity System Integration

This session addresses regional electricity integration, with cases from the Nordic electricity system integration, the importance of interconnected energy infrastructures for the deployment of renewable energy and discuss prospects for the regional energy systems in ASEAN. Panelist will attend by Zoom link from Norway, Indonesia, and Finland.

16:00 – 16:20 (SGT) / 09:00 – 09:20 (CET)

Key addresses

16:20 – 18:00 (SGT) / 09:20 – 11:00 (CET)

Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Tay, Partner, PwC Singapore

The Nordic power market Nord Pool – relevance for ASEAN

Progress of the regional electricity market in ASEAN

Complementing national energy mixes – enabler for large deployment of intermittent renewable energy

Experiences from electricity trading in Singapore.

Regional cooperation enhancing local pathways in the energy transition – the Nordic view

18:00 (SGT ) / 11:00 (CET)

End of Conference