All Nordic Talks Japan

Nordic Talks Japan: Renewable Energy - A Socially Just and Successful Green Transition 再生可能エネルギー:社会的公正なグリーンエネルギー転換への道筋


This is a past event, but you can still watch the recording, read a summary report, or listen to the podcast.

このイベントは終了しました。イベントの様子は録画 (英語)レポート(日本語)、もしくはポッドキャスト(英語)で確認いただけます。

Welcome to the very first series of Nordic Talks Japan!

Japan and Nordic societies are moving towards net-zero carbon emissions and are global leaders in renewable energy innovation and sustainable energy production. However, reaching net-zero carbon emissions not only requires investments in technology and infrastructure, but also investments in people and people’s ability to adopt the necessary skills and technologies to facilitate the green transition. We also need to ensure that this transition is done in a way that is socially just, and that individuals and communities are not left behind as we move towards decarbonisation of our energy sectors, with the transformation of industries, cost structures and employment that this entails.

The green energy transition does not only rely on cleaner energy sources, but also on updating technologies and energy conservation in all sectors of society, transportation, industry and not the least in private homes and life. This is a costly endeavour. The risk that the gap between haves and have nots will increase further is clear and present. Access to new technologies is costly, and as the “polluter pays”-principle is increasingly implemented, once affordable energy and technologies no longer are. This affects communities and families differently.

What actions can we make towards an inclusive and just green transition?

Join us for a Nordic Talks Japan event, a dialogue between front runners in just green transition from Nordics and Japan, to explore the issues around the theme and what we should do to achieve a healthy, just transition towards greener energy. There will be an opening and concluding remarks by the Nordic ambassadors, and a Q&A session followed by the dialogue.

Date and place:

October 28th, 2021 17:00-18:30 (JST)


Mokuzai Kaikan ((1-18-8 Shinkiba, 6F, Koto-ku, Tokyo) and Zoom
*Please note that due to Covid condition, physical participation will be invitation only



  • Mr. Nobuo Tanaka, Chair, the Steering Committee of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), CEO of Tanaka Global, Inc. and former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency


17:00 – Opening: Nordic Talks video

17:05 – Welcome greeting by Ambassador from Norway to Japan H.E. Inga M. W. Nyhamar

17:10 – Panel conversation

18:10 – Q&A

18:25 – Closing remarks by Ambassador from Denmark to Japan H.E. Peter Taksøe-Jensen

18:30 – End stream

Nordic Talks Japan 第一回目は、社会的公正なグリーンエネルギー転換について考えます。








10月28日木曜日 17:00-18:30


木材会館6F小ホール(江東区新木場1-18-8 木材会館6F) 及び Zoom




17:00 – 開会

17:05 – 開会の挨拶 インガ M. W. ニーハマル 駐日ノルウェー大使

17:10 – スピーカー、モデレーターによる対話

18:10 – 質疑応答

18:25 – 閉会の挨拶 ピーター・タクソ・イェンセン 駐日デンマーク王国大使

18:30 – オンライン配信終了

Akiko Shiono