Welcome to Nordic Talks Japan 北欧・日本:サステナブルな未来への対話
Welcome to Nordic Talks Japan!
Nordic Talks is a series of podcasts and events held globally to share inspiration on how to take action on sustainability issues in our everyday lives.
Nordic Talks are dialogues between some of the brightest minds in the Nordics and their counterparts from around the world who are acting to make a change towards a sustainable future. It is held around the world by Nordic efforts, and some of the talks are later on released on the Nordic Talks podcast (Learn more about the Nordic Talks here).
We are excited to announce that along with the Royal Danish Embassy, Embassy of Finland in Tokyo, Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo, Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo, Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, The Finnish Institute in Japan, we are hosting Nordic Talks Japan, a series of hybrid events, each covering a different topic related to sustainable future. Each event will be held with English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation, recorded, and made publicly available.
Through Nordic Talks Japan, we will strive to create a platform for exchange and dialogue to open doors for even closer social and economic relations to work together towards a sustainable future between the Nordic countries and Japan. We hope to bring inspiration to people in these regions to take action for a better sustainable future.
Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive up-to-date information on upcoming Nordic Talks Japan events right to your inbox!
Also, feel free to reach out to tokyo(a)nordicinnovationhouse.com to learn more about Nordic Talks Japan, or if interested in collaborating with us for future series.
Nordic Talks Japan 最新情報のお見逃しがないよう、
Nordic Talks Japanについての詳細や、今後のシリーズ開催にあたってのコラボレーション等のご相談は、お気軽にtokyo(a)nordicinnovationhouse.comまでお問い合わせください。
Past Nordic Talks Japan Events:
(JUN 11th, 2024)
Women in Science Breaking through the Glass Ceiling 女性科学者たちの挑戦 -ガラスの天井を破るには-
(Mar 6th, 2024)
Smart Cities in Aging Societies 高齢化社会におけるスマートシティ
(FEb 14th, 2024)
Design and Sustainability - The Function of Design in Society デザインとサステナビリティ – 社会におけるデザインの機能
(Jan 31th, 2024)
TODAY’S MENU: FOOD INNOVATION SYSTEMS for the sustainable and SAFE foods of tomorrow 本日の献立:食のシステム改革:持続可能な食の安全を目指して
(May 30th, 2023)
How to advocate for peace and democracy in the digital world デジタル社会における平和と民主主義の進め方
(April 26th, 2023)
Equality and the media: women in the news and newsrooms メディアとジェンダー平等:報道と編集室における女性
(feb 1st, 2023)
ENERGY SECURITY as driver for the green transition グリーントランジションの原動力としてのエネルギー安全保障
(Dec 8th, 2022)
A more equal democracy - women’s representative in politics
(Apr 7th, 2022)
No One Left Behind - Trust and Inclusion in the DigitaL age 包摂と信頼性:北欧から学ぶ誰も取り残されないデジタル社会
(Feb 10th, 2022)
Circular Economy and the Textile Industry: The Case of Fashion and SDG#12 循環型経済とテキスタイル業界:ファッションにおけるSDG#12
(Nov 25th, 2021)
Renewable Energy - A Socially Just and Successful Green Transition 再生可能エネルギー:社会的公正なグリーンエネルギー転換への道筋
(Oct 28th, 2021)
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